发布时间:2022-07-05 文章分类:编程知识 投稿人:赵颖 字号: 默认 | | 超大 打印

SmartFoxServer is a comprehensive platform for rapidly developing multi-user applications and games with Adobe Flash/Flex/Air, Java, Android, .Net, Unity3D, Apple iOS and more.

SmartFoxServer comes with a rich set of features, an impressive documentation set, tens of examples with their source code, powerful administration tools and a very active online support forum.

Born in 2004, and evolving continuously since then, today SmartFoxServer is the leading middleware to create large scale multiplayer games, MMOs and virtual communities.

Thanks to its simplicity of use, versatility and performance, it currently powers hundreds of projects all over the world, from small chats and turn-based games to massive virtual worlds and realtime games.