Reference of the C++ Language Library, with detailed descriptions of its elements and examples on how to use its functions
The standard C++ library is a collection of functions, constants, classes, objects and templates that extends the C++ language providing basic functionality to perform several tasks, like classes to interact with the operating system, data containers, manipulators to operate with them and algorithms commonly needed.
The declarations of the different elements provided by the library are split in several headers that shall be included in the code in order to have access to its components:
algorithm | complex | exception | list | stack |
bitset | csetjmp | fstream | locale | stdexcept |
cassert | csignal | functional | map | strstream |
cctype | cstdarg | iomanip | memory | streambuf |
cerrno | cstddef | ios | new | string |
cfloat | cstdio | iosfwd | numeric | typeinfo |
ciso646 | cstdlib | iostream | ostream | utility |
climits | cstring | istream | queue | valarray |
clocale | ctime | iterator | set | vector |
cmath | deque | limits | sstream |
It can be divided into: