- 前言
- 1.imu噪声模型介绍
- 2./imu/data和/imu/data_raw的区别
- 3. px4飞控imu标定,以及遇到的问题
- kalibr_allan标定imu内参
- 4.使用mintar修改的imu_utils进行zed2相机imu的标定
- 讨论
详细的imu的噪声模型的介绍可以参考kalibr文档的介绍,但是感觉解释的不是很清晰,推荐看下An introduction to inertial navigation加深下理解,我自己也做了一个关于imu噪声模型的总结。
- imu的噪声分为两种,“White Noise”和“Bias”,都有连续时间模型和连续时间模型两种形式,两种模式可以相互转换,这里强调一下有的标定工具输出的是连续型(imu_utils),有的是离散型(kalibr_allan)。另外有的VIO算法需要的是连续性的imu噪声参数,有的是连续型的噪声参数,具体根据代码或单位辨识。
- 为了方便后续的imu-cam外餐标定,有必要说一下Kalibr需要的imu噪声参数的格式。Kalibr需要的噪声参数都是连续时间模型的,单位如下图:
px4的imu有两个消息,一个是/mavros/imu/data,一个是/mavros/imu/data_raw。在mavros wiki中解释说data是求解了姿态的,而data_raw是原始数据。一般来说大部分的imu传感器都是有data和data_raw两个消息的,但是vio中比较倾向与用谁并不知道,或者说用谁都差不多,这个问题有没有评论区能解答的。
- 上图中上部分是px4的imu的陀螺仪测的角速度消息,可以看出其实data相比data_raw噪声要更小,所以px4的/imu/data是进过一个滤波处理的。
- 下方是zed2的imu消息,data和data_raw基本差不多,但是仔细看还是有一些差别的,可以认为data是有一个基本的去噪处理的吧。
3. px4飞控imu标定,以及遇到的问题
补充:px4的内置有两个imu,选择imu数据的时候也是采用投票机制,具体可以参考下面的链接。关于能否用带有冗余imu机制的传感器作为vio中imu的数据来源,作者本来持怀疑态度,但是从论文中来看,px4很少出现,vins-mono用的大疆的N3飞控(没有imu冗余设计),但是《Robust Real-time LiDAR-inertial Initialization》这篇文章用的是px4-mini(有冗余的imu设计,和px4一样)作为lio的imu数据源。
- 第一步是录制imu静止状态的数据。
- bag转mat
roseun bagconvert bagconvert "bag文件位置" “imu的topic”
会在bag文件的目录位置生成一个对应的mat文件,如果topic没对,会生成一个大概177bytes的错误文件。 - 运行matlab脚本生成allan方差的分析图片,需要修改m文件里的mat文件的目录位置和imu频率,图片会生成在data文件夹下。
zed2_imu_data | acc_n | acc_w | gyro_n | gyro_w |
/imu/data | 0.000972391498622108 | 0.0000161816136978825 | 0.000112059434444788 | 0.0000000377973509488189 |
/imu/data_raw | 0.000972472149392801 | 0.0000161975724754375 | 0.000103903478028749 | 0.00000000748263828361598 |
标定时录制的数据集都是在imu静止的状态下录制的,但是我们在做imu-cam标定或者是vio的时候,imu都是处于动态运动的状态,所以直接使用我们标定的参数是会出问题的,大概率会导致系统的奔溃,这个问题在这个github issue中有讨论,mintar给了几点假设:
- The allan variance estimation methods (mintar/imu_utils and ori-drs/allan_variance_ros) estimate a model based on Q, N, B, K, R or at least N (“rate/acceleration white noise”), B (“bias instability”), K (“rate/acceleration random walk”). But all VIO packages and Kalibr just use N and K.
- The calibration is done under close to ideal circumstances in a static setup. In a dynamic setting, with other factors like temperature changes etc., the noise will be higher.
- The calibration packages take the average of the axes, but some IMUs have different gyros/accelerometers for different axes, so one should probably use the maximum and not the average to be on the safe side.
- In my setup, there’s no hardware synchronization between IMU and camera. Maybe using a higher standard deviation for the IMU prevents VINS from trusting the IMU too much and deviating when the real error is from a wrong time synchronization.
另外,在Kalibr的imu noise model的介绍的最后也做了一个说明:
It is important to note that the IMU measurement error model used here is derived from a sensor which does not undergo motion, and at constant temperature. Hence scale factor errors and bias variation caused by temperature changes, for example, are not accounted for. So clearly, the model is optimistic. Particularly when using low-cost MEMS IMUs with Kalibr, you may have to increase the noise model parameters to “capture” these errors as well. In other words, if you use directly the “sigmas” obtained from static sensor data, Kalibr will tend to trust your IMU measurements too much, and its solution will not be optimal.
From our experience, for lowest-cost sensors, increasing the noise model parameters by a factor of 10 or more may be necessary. If you use Kalibr with such a device, please give us feedback, such that we can develop specific guidelines, device-specific parameter suggestions, or more advanced methods to determine these parameters.
在github issue中有人这样解释,我觉得也很合理:
One additional factor—related to what was mentioned about calibrating in static vs running in dynamic conditions—might be that the IMU model used in all these VO / SLAM algorithms is practical, but still simplistic. I.e. it simply doesn’t model many of the effects on the physical device. I’m thinking of temperature-dependent bias, cross-axis sensitivity, etc. All this means that the errors in your model aren’t actually independent and bias-free and one way to deal with it is by increasing the measurement uncertainty to “mask” out the un-modelled behaviour.
But yes, it’s a valid question what’s the point of calibrating the IMU when you just hand-tune the values anyway. I think hand-tuning will always be needed. Calibration can still inform you about the relative quality of different IMUs and thus help when tuning the parameters (e.g. tell you if your values for a new IMU should be higher or lower than for some reference IMU that you know works well).