发布时间:2022-08-09 文章分类:编程知识 投稿人:赵颖 字号: 默认 | | 超大 打印

We're Always Hiring

Wildfire is currently seeking determined, fun, and highly-qualified individuals to join our team. If you meet the following criteria and are interested in working in a fast-paced start-up environment, please contact us.

Graphic Designer

We are looking for an efficient Graphic Designer with a passion for brands to develop marketing collateral for a broad range of brand identities - work will include both print and web. The Graphic Designer will be involved in all stages of the design process and should be able to conceptualize as well develop and execute.



Sales Director



Account Manager

Wildfire is seeking an experienced Account Manager with a Marketing or Advertising background, to closely oversee SME and Fortune 1000 accounts.

Individual should be fun, engaging, and love people, and have a track record of excellent customer service. The account manager must also be and able to support sales department effectively when required.



Administrative Assistant

We are looking for a independently driven administrative assistant for the Beijing office with a strong work-ethic.



About Wildfire

Wildfire is China’s first word-of-mouth community. With Wildfire, passionate consumers can be the first to tell their friends about exciting new products, and companies now have access to the most powerful form of marketing ever: authentic word-of-mouth, from one friend to another.

Wildfire was started in December 2008, around the idea that companies can market products better by talking directly with consumers, rather than at them. We believe that people already know what they love, and given the chance to experience an exciting product, they’ll do everything they can to make it a successful, starting with telling everyone they know.

Marketers know that Chinese consumers are disengaging from traditional advertising, relying more and more on the opinions of their social community for information about new products.

Wildfire sparks this natural word-of-mouth, benefiting consumers and companies alike.