发布时间:2022-08-09 文章分类:编程知识 投稿人:李佳 字号: 默认 | | 超大 打印

Basic Arrays

The source code to all code listings is available as a tarball and as a zip file.

A Note

This tutorial assumes you've already gone through the pointers tutorial. If you haven't, please start there. This tutorial draws from insights gained in that tutorial and includes terms and phrases that won't make sense if you haven't already gone through that tutorial.

Array basics

Let's start by looking at a single variable used to store a person's age.

C Code Listing 1
  1: #include <stdio.h>
3: int main()
4: {
5:   short age;
6:   age=23;
7:   printf("%d\n", age);
8:   return 0;
9: }